Cargo Shipping Upsteam the B. Kheta

Cargo Shipping Upsteam the B. Kheta

Cargo is transported via the Krasnoyarsk— Bolshaya Kheta route with destinations at the “Vankor” and “Suzun” deposits and the “Tukhart” industrial depot. In recent 8 years this region has been actively developed by major domestic and international oil and service companies. A surge in interest is due to the development of the large capacity oil and gas fields Vanqor, Suzun and Tagulskoe as well as several smaller deposits. The major challenge is that navigation season on the Bolshaya Kheta River is only two weeks in the middle of June, right after the spring movement of ice making shipping companies mobilize all personnel and craft available to deliver as much cargo as they possibly can over such a short time. Each year nearly a half of the required volume of cargo for construction of infrastructure and development of the oil and gas production sites is transported during the shipping period. The reason is simple—delivery by river is the cheapest in the local climatic conditions.