Pontoon Crane Leasing
Pontoon Crane Leasing
The great length of water transportation routes in the Yenisei basin and the harsh climatic conditions of the Subarctic and, as a consequence, lack at the ports of final destination modern cargo handling facilities force carriers and customer to look for other ways to accept and unload goods and materials. The optimal solution in this case is floating cranes. Floating cranes can unload different loads on unprepared shore, they can be maneuvered into position at almost the very edge of the water due to their shallower drafts and, with the 16 meter handling boom they can be used to load on any kind of road vehicles. Almost all of the floating cranes with a mid-range lifting capacity (16 tons) and a larger capacity (25 tons) owned by Transit SV company have been upgraded to the seaworthy class that permits, according to the requirements of the Russian River Register, crane operation in the lower reaches of the Yenisei River and discharge cargo at destinations north of Ust Port settlement. The company provides a full package of services for the towing and leasing of floating cranes with lifting capacities from 5 tons up to 25 tons.